Travelucion® will operate this website with one of our space travel partners as soon as these become available. Because we anticipate space travel to be much like travel on earth, competing companies will offer different adventures and packages, each being different from the other. This is why we will operate a total of three partnerships concerning space tourism, using an individual website for each partnership program. World2Space will be one of our partnership websites and will be complimented by alternative offers on and
At this time the only website we intend to update regularly is so please visit us there to see the latest news on Space Travel or join our mailing list for regular emailed updates.
Travelucion® already offers thousands of varied web content, including our +130 countries websites and over 800 worldwide travel guides. Space is our next frontier and we sincerely hope that our avid travel enthusiasts will clench the opportunity to visit space when we begin to offer these trips.
Travelucion Future Markets